Great Poll by ESPN


New member
Sep 21, 2004
I didn't know where to post this, so why not post it where the most knowledgeable Rx'ers are

ESPN's Most Overrated Athletes

1. Vince Carter
2. Mike Tyson
3. Derek Jeter
4. All closers
5. Darin Erstad
6. David Duval and Phil Mickelson
7. Antoine Walker
8. Jake Plummer
9. Pavel Bure
10. Chris Webber

I'm drunker than Panther on his best (worst?) day, so without much thought, just a couple of comments on a few ...

#2 - How can Tyson be over-rated? All fighter's are nerve-racked stepping in the ring with him. And he's still the youngest heavyweight ever. And he will be for a long, long time, if not forever.

#4 - All closers? Maybe. But with 2 out and a man on 3rd, I sure as hell wouldn't have wanted to face Dennis Ekersley

#5 - Darin Erstad? Who the hell is he?

#6 - David Duval, no question. Does he still play golf? But Mickelson? He may not be a big winner, but he's a sure top finisher in any tournament, on any course.

#8 - Jake Plummer. Why is he on this list? He played for Arizona for Christ sakes! He's got the makings of a great QB. 6'2, 215lbs. The "mastermind" Shanahan will ensure Plummer is off this list. It should be good! Shanahan desperately wants to prove that HE was the reason the Broncos won the Superbowl 2 years in a row, '97 and '98. Not because of Davis, and especially not Elway! But Shanahan and the Bronco's haven't even won a playoff game since their Superbowl win in '98! It's true! And The Snake needs to prove he's an NFL QB. He's yet to hit 60% completions in a season for fvck sakes. But now he'll have some decent protection. I wouldn't put him on this list yet.

#9 - Pavel Bure. Here's the truth. Quinn did all he could do to get Pavel to North America properly, and it didn't work. Pavel choose to come to N.A. (illegally) during the 90-91 season. He had been drafted by the Canucks, but he was still signed with Red Army, and landed in LA. totally unexpected. He had $30, a suitcase and a duffle bag. No equipment. Not even his skates! Burke and Quinn took a huge risk and flew to LA to get him. He was still property of the Red Army, and any interference by the NHL would cause HUGE problems, especially political. And even more so under the circumstances - Sergei Federov and Alexander Mogilny were not only Bure's Red Army teamates, they were THE Red Army line! Mogilny defected in'89, then Federov defected. The USSR and Red Army was closely watching Pavel. They new he was going defect too. Anyways, the fridge is calling me. I'm getting another beer. Bottom line is Bure should be #1

New member
Sep 21, 2004

I think Railbird could give you the skinny on all the people on that list--he will tell you that while he was on the phone with Vince Carter to try and get him a better deal Tyson walked by and high-fived him. He told Mike that Jeter was on hold complaining that some closers were making more money than him and did he want to say hello to Vince?
Mike said he was meeting Dave and Phil on the first tee and did he want to make it a foursome-he was just going to stop at McDonalds.Railbird said good choice--no decent place to eat in Vegas and he could say hello to Pavel Bure who was working there now since he had fallen on hard times.

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